Sandy Moody was raised in Caites Indiana to Ronald Moody and Loretta Wooster. She has five brothers and two sisters and one half sister. She has a life Partner named Lance. She has three bonus children and four grandchildren Cameron, Braize, Mia and Cruz. Sandy has worked for Pleasant Meadows for the last 14 years as the Housekeeping Supervisor. When asked what she most enjoys about her job she states getting to talk with the residents everyday. She does not have just one favorite moment but many. She states these moments come when a resident is having a bad day and I can sit and talk with them and when I leave from talking with them they have a smile on their face. Her advice for future and current employees of Pleasant Meadows is “You are here first and foremost for the residents and everything else comes second”. Pleasant Meadows would like to thank Sandy for all of her years of dedication to our home.