Facility Updates | Testing & Response Plan
Why are you in quarantine if no one is sick?
We are not in quarantine, we are practicing social distancing per the CDC’s recommendations.
How are you keeping residents and staff safe?
Our facility is strictly adhering to all Federal, State, and Local guidelines.
Help keep our Residents Safe from COVID-19
Will my loved one still participate in group activities?
We have suspended group activities and are providing 1:1 activities instead. Our facility is also encouraging greater use of virtual events. Please feel free to call our facility to ask more questions about how we are working hard to make this time fun and still meet social distancing guidelines!
Will residents still be able to attend scheduled doctors’ appointments?
Non-essential or non-urgent appointments will be rescheduled at a later date to decrease exposure of our residents in the great community.
Can I still visit my loved one?
In person visits are restricted according to the recommendations of the federal, state and local experts in the health departments. While this can make for anxiety for families and isolation for residents, it is one of the most important ways for us to arrest the further transmission of this virus and not place our residents and staff at risk for contracting it from someone visiting and bringing it in even though they may be asymptomatic.
Essential visitors, such as families for residents on end-of-life scenarios or other medical professionals, will need to be approved and screened according to strict guidelines as set out by Federal State and Local agencies.
You may also consider visiting your loved one outside their window, we have seen this happening at many facilities. Call us and we will guide you on the best way to keep in touch with your loved one at our facility.
How will I stay in touch with my loved one if I can’t visit?
We strongly encourage that residents and families continue to remain in contact and talk frequently by phone, Facetime, Skype or other virtual platforms. You are also invited to use our “email your loved one” form to submit an email to your loved one. Many families are using this feature to have friends and extended families send notes too! When your email is received one of our staff members will print it and share it with your loved one right away.
I would love to speak to my loved one, however they don’t have a phone in their room how can I call them?
Call our main number and we will make arrangements for you to have a phone conversation.
Can I send my loved one a present or care package?
Yes, packages are still allowed to be sent to the facility. Each facility has specific protocols for accepting and delivering anything dropped off at the facility. Please call before delivering anything in person.
How will you keep families updated with the latest information and what is happening at your facility?
There are several ways we communicate with family members and friends via mail, email or mass calling system. You may also reach out to us at any time for any updates about your loved and our community. You can use the contact us form on this website to send an email, visit our Facebook page and watch this website for general news and information.
Our (community group) would like to send cards and/or letters to the residents. How do we do that?
If you wish to send something to be distributed to non-specific residents, please address your card/letter/care package to:
RESIDENT (if you feel it should be more specific you can add Male or Female) at our main address.
I would like to show my appreciation to your staff, what would be the best way to do that?
Please contact the Administrator or Department Manager to make arrangements for food/treat deliveries. You may also mail cards or letters or use our Contact Us form to send a note for us to share with the team.